
tilde~ rehearsing and getting ready for the show.



Æsthēsɪs – tilde~

Engage all of your senses in a multi-disciplinary performance. Mixed live and set against the beautiful visuals of nature, experience the musical ambience that can be created by electroacoustic instruments and a laptop.

A conceptual collection of six pieces of ambient music set to beautiful visuals, in order to create an experience stimulating multiple senses. The tracks are created using laptop and the input from electroacoustic instruments. Due to the nature of the random number generators used in the processing in each patch, no two performances will be the same.

The layered works of the visualist Lillevan have been extremely influential to the concept of the imagery of Æsthēsɪs. Similarly to his work, there are a lot of juxtapositions between the natural and digital worlds present in both the music and visuals.

Three Rivers brewery will be offering a unique and limited edition beer on the night.

Come and experience this performance with all of your senses.

WHEN:     Saturday, 21 May 7:30pm – 9:30pm

WHERE:  Make Place, 17/38 Mandurah Terrace

Tickets from Eventbrite:

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